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Scoria 1.4.0

Jul 24, 2024

Scoria 1.4.0 is now released! It contains a number of new and exciting features, like the ability to save your favorite places on the map and view a timeline of the places you've visited. See the homepage for pictures.

For place icons, you can use not just one, but up to five emoji to mark a place! Emoji are a fun and versatile visual vocabulary for customizing the map.

Each place can be annotated with the information of your choosing. If you add a link, that link will be clickable, making it easy to go connect your Scoria places to related websites.

Places can also be shared with other people using scoria:// links. If Scoria is installed, tapping a Scoria link will open the place in Scoria and give you the option to edit and save it. Note that the links will do nothing if Scoria is not installed. The data in Scoria links never leaves your device.

The new timeline feature shows where you've been, how long you were there, when you arrived and left, and how far and how long you traveled between places. If you haven't saved a place where the timeline detects you stopped, it appears as an unnamed place. From there, you can tap to create a new place at that location where the dwell was detected and see the timeline update with the new name and icon.

Another new feature is the ability to view an XY plot of location data over time. While you can color data points by speed, altitude, accuracy, and time, the plot provides a new way to see details.

Other changes include the option to have a semi-transparent automap, 12-hour clock support, the option to select and delete data points if inaccurate, and the option to turn off the basemap.

Of course, there's many improvements still to be made. The next few updates should be more frequent and smaller in size. Let us know what you would like to see!

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